Tuesday, August 31, 2010



  • 14 doses of nightmare inducing lariam
  • Six and a half novels
  • Four safaris with 50+ distinct animal species sightings
  • Over 25 trips to the slums
  • One bout of traveler’s diarrhea
  • One fried hard drive
  • One shattered camera screen
  • Hundreds of movies/episodes of TV shows including:
    • Season 1 of Glee
    • Season 1 of 24
    • Season 1 of Dexter
    • Season 1 of The Wire
    • Five seasons of How I Met your Mother
  • One slaughtered goat
  • One giraffe make-out session
  • Two pairs of shoes
  • Six step classes/five spin classes
  • Meeting several new colleagues and friends

…I’m home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Over the past three months, I have learned a new culture, met the kindest people, experienced life-changing moments , and had what I would like to believe is a lasting impact on TechnoServe Kenya’s Young Women in Enterprise program. Kenya, you have been good to me and for that I would like to say asante sana. As bitter sweet as my departure from Nairobi was (especially after the send off my fellow volunteers and colleagues gave me), I am now enjoying the luxuries that the first world provides – sidewalks, safe tap water, relatively more efficient traffic, reliable electricity, entertaining basic cable, moist cakes, and dog howling-free nights, just to name a few. It is good to be back, especially after missing my family and friends.

To my friends and family: I hope you enjoyed reading about my travels and work experience and I look forward to catching up with you all soon!

To my new friends in Kenya: I hope to see you once again very soon. Tutaonana!


1 comment:

  1. My experience working with Benjamin ( A Loan Officer) was a pleasure. He was completely upfront about the costs and whether the deal made sense financially. In fact, when I explained my situation, he advised me not to refinance unless the current terms improved even though it cost him business. When he later contacted me about a better deal, I jumped at it because he had earned my trust"Definitely made me feel confident that I was working with a great loan company / great business person who knew his worth of business lines.I will advies anyone here looking for any kind of loan to contact Mr Benjamin because he and his company helped me with a loan at the rate 2% which was very impressive.I had Mr Benjamin contact Office Email on .... 247officedept@gmail.com
